Japan HDV
Usually, when you can find some hot actions from Asian and Uncensored Japanese porn movies, they are almost all blurred and censored. But, that is not the case with Japan HDV. They have the biggest collection of hot hardcore porn with Japanese and Asian women without any pixelated parts. Japan HDV has the content to please any Asian lover- mature ladies, hot teens, hardcore actions, lesbians, playing with toys- you name it. In their video collection they have more than 100 movies to offer and they all come in HD quality. But, more important is the fact that these movies last about 25 minutes on average and can be both streamed and downloaded. And since there is no download limit, you can practically enjoy anytime any place. The resolution of video may vary, depending on whether you want to download it, in which case it will be 1920×1080. If you love streaming it online better, then you'll get the video with the resolution 960×540. When you're done with visiting the video gallery, there is also the photo gallery that you might be interested in browsing through. With more than 101 photo sets that contain 75 photos per set, you'll be like in seventh heaven. All these photos come in the resolution 1600×1200. Luckily for you, there is a zip download option on this site, so you don't have to download them one by one. When it comes to being a regular member, you can pay $29.95 for a period of 30 days, but there is also option to pay for more months in advance. If you pay for 90 days, you'll only need $59.95 and for period of 180 days $89.95. And before taking that step, you can always use the trial period of 2 days that is only $1. Upsides of this site are their frequent uploads as well as the content which is in HD quality. A plus is that they have unlimited download on all videos as well as the zip download option with images. Bonus sites like AV Idolz, Jav HQ and My Cute Asian are the sites you get for the price of one for being the member. Overall looked, average score of 77.2 is a bit low when all is taken into consideration.
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